We all achieve more when we feel empowered. Person-centred change is about empowering people to reach their goals.

We empower people who’ve experienced marginalisation through tailored support. It reflects individual needs and circumstances and helps people develop the confidence and capacity needed to make big life changes. Changes that don’t just benefit them as individuals – but which benefit their families and their communities, too.

“Renaisi has made me strong emotionally, financially, and given me a lot of clarity in terms of employment.”

Participant feedback from 2022 customer survey.

Renaisi empowers refugees, older people, those who’ve been impacted by long-term sickness and those who’ve taken time out to care for others to find work or to connect with businesses that want to become more inclusive employers.

Learning what works

By helping people in Hackney and Lewisham to find jobs through the Work Programme, we deepened our knowledge of the needs of people in East London.

In 2016, we took on a small service in Islington designed to help non-English-speaking families engage with their child’s school. That work grew to supporting families with their English, their understanding of local services, and with social issues such as parenting and wellbeing.

Since then, we’ve won and delivered numerous employment support contracts, including:

  • Southwark Works – a place-based employment support programme working in partnership with multiple local providers called
  • Transitions – a specialist service connecting top-tier firms with skilled and qualified refugees in engineering, architecture and professional services.
  • A refugee support programme, RISE, which helped over 500 refugees into employment in five years.

How we can help

Large-scale, standardised support programmes simply scratch the surface of the support that marginalised people need to thrive.

Our flexible, person-centred support is tailored to the needs and circumstances of each individual. It acknowledges the barriers faced by marginalised people, and values every step on their journey towards thriving.

It includes:

  • Support to learn English language and culture.
  • Access to housing, health and legal advice.
  • Focus on the person and their abilities.

Partnering with inclusive employers

A diverse workforce creates vibrant cultures, greater innovation and creativity, and helps organisations compete in an increasingly globalised market.

We connect businesses that want to become more inclusive employers with people from marginalised communities who are looking for good work.

Finding work can be hard for anyone. For people facing economic and social exclusion, it’s even harder. When individuals are locked out of good work because of conscious or unconscious bias, we all lose out.

Renaisi can help.

Ade Adebowale

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