Collaboration to improve employment outcomes for Black people with long-term health conditions in Lambeth
Renaisi is working in partnership with Black Thrive to pilot a collaborative and coordinated employment support system in Lambeth.

The ‘No Wrong Door’ initiative, is a cross-sector collaboration between Renaisi, Black Thrive, and five other specialist employment providers in the borough. The project aims to test whether better coordination and collaboration between providers leads to higher quality support and service provision for Black people with long-term health conditions.
Yasmin Ibison, Black Thrive Employment Programme and Partnerships Manager said:
“We are very excited to be funding Renaisi to deliver the No Wrong Door project. It is so important that we build a coordinated and collaborative system of employment support providers in Lambeth who will work together to support our Black and Disabled residents.
Yasmin Ibison, Black Thrive
It’s a bold step towards real systems change that could have a profound impact on the way employment support is delivered in the borough.”
The problem
Due to structural inequalities, outcomes for Black people in White-majority countries are on average significantly worse than those of their White counterparts. In Lambeth, Black residents are four times more likely to be unemployed than White residents and Black people disproportionately bear the burden of long-term health conditions.
We believe that secure and sustainable employment is essential for anyone trying to build a better life for themselves and their family. We are committed to helping people overcome barriers to sustainable employment so they can benefit from the security and wellbeing that work can bring.
About the pilot project
The No Wrong Door project will support 20 individuals who have disengaged from existing support through a shared referral system for employment, health, and social inclusion services within Lambeth.
Renaisi will lead on the coordination of the shared referral system, case manage the people referred into the system, and undertake an evaluation of the project. The evaluation will contribute to building evidence on what works to support Black people with long-term conditions into employment.
Renaisi already works in partnership with a network of local services and specialist organisations to provide complementary services to our customers on the Southwark Works and Journey to Work programmes in Lambeth. We want to work in partnership with other Black Thrive grantees who are bringing their expertise and passion to employment support. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss partnering.

- Want to find out more?
- Contact Beth Stout on:
- 020 7033 2651
About Black Thrive Lambeth’s Employment Project
In collaboration with Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Charity (GSTC), Black Thrive is developing community-led solutions for improving employment outcomes for Black people with long-term conditions.
Over two years Black Thrive will distribute £300,000 of grant funding to improve employment outcomes for Black people with long-term health conditions in Lambeth. Renaisi has been funded along with twelve other grantees, listed here.
The Black Thrive Lambeth partnership was established in 2016 to address the inequalities that negatively impact the mental health and wellbeing of Black people in Lambeth. The partnership brings together individuals, local communities, statutory agencies and voluntary organisations to address the structural barriers that prevent Black people from thriving. Find out more.