Funders come together to learn from each other
Renaisi is the learning partner for Local Motion, a partnership of six funders joining forces to support communities in a more radical, joined-up way.
The circumstances facing communities and charities across the country are increasingly difficult. The long-term and continuing squeeze on funding to local government and for local services against a backdrop of long-established regional differences, has left charities – themselves resource constrained – increasingly having to pick up the pieces.
As group of independent funders City Bridge Trust, Esmee Fairburn Foundation, Lankelly Chase, Lloyd’s Bank Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Tudor Trust have been investing and supporting charities for years. Together they’ve set out to use their collective resources, experience and strengths to maximise the power of place, working with local partners to challenge existing norms and shape philanthropic practice.
“We have come together to use our collective experience and resources to support local people to address social, environmental and economic priorities selected and driven locally and derive as much learning as possible from that process”.
Renaisi will work alongside Kathleen Kelly, appointed Director of Collaboration for LocalMotion, and the six foundations to test their assumptions, consider and assess against two key questions:
- By working more closely together can we better use our collective resources, experience and strengths to make a greater difference locally?
- Does this way of working challenge current foundation practice more broadly?

- Want to find out more?
- Contact Private: John Hitchin on:
- 020 7033 2639