Renewal Academy
Renaisi managed the national training and learning programme for regeneration and renewal professionals from 2003 to 2007.
Renewal Academy was the Department for Communities and Local Government’s (DCLG) national learning programme equipping practitioners with the tools and knowledge to improve quality of life in neighbourhoods.
The Academy was intended to help practitioners meet the following objectives:
Partnership working and leadership skills: identifying potential partners, partnership development, interpersonal skills, partnership management; delivering through partners.
Programme design and delivery: strategic programme management; identifying, selecting and establishing plausible interventions at neighbourhood and local authority level, influencing mainstream
service delivery, managing the delivery chain, problem-solving, managing, monitoring and evaluating interventions.
Learning from what works: understanding evidence-based practice, identifying sources of evidence, identifying information and learning needs, applying what works, using what works to reshape mainstream service provision, tailoring what works to local circumstances.
Renewal Academy offered a range of events including a residential programme to deepen knowledge of designing and delivering renewal programmes, understanding the leadership skills needed for neighbourhood renewal and using evidence of what works well to develop better approaches locally.
Renewal Academy also offered bespoke courses, bringing the learning to regen and renewal professionals, setting up specialised and customised programmes designed around a team’s neighbourhood renewal delivery.
Additionally, Renewal Academy provided a range of learning support, inlcuding a series of specialised Expert Seminars for Local Strategic Partnerships (LSP) looking at what works in health, education, worklessness and crime and support for government fffices with a dedicated programme of seminars on improving Neighbourhood Renewal outcomes for Black and Minority Ethnic Communities.
Renaisi was also the training provider for the innovative Young Advisors programme which supported young people to participate in the delivery of neighbourhood renewal.