How can ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods be better supported to take ownership and control of local assets?
Renaisi was commissioned by the APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods to undertake a scoping study into community asset ownership in ‘left behind neighbourhoods’.
Left behind neighbourhoods (LBNs) are the wards that fall in the top ten per cent most deprived (according to the IMD) and the ten per cent most in need on the Community Needs Index (CNI).
The research aimed to:
- Review the last 40 years of policies and programmes on community asset
- ownership in England
- Map all community-owned assets in LBNs in England
- Identify barriers and enablers to community asset ownership in LBNs
- Provide recommendations in response to the current policy setting, i.e. the
- levelling up agenda, reconstruction post-pandemic, and launch of the
- Community Ownership Fund
Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) undertook the quantitative analysis. Renaisi delivered a literature review, conducted interviews with both subject matter experts and practitioners, and developed case studies from the practitioner interviews. Finally, a database of all known community-owned assets was created and used to
cross-check against another database created with all postcodes in LBNs.
The executive summary includes:
- Key findings of the quantitative analysis
- Barriers, enablers and outcomes of community asset ownership
- Recommendations to the APPG on actions they can take to improve asset ownership
by community groups (including businesses), through policy, programmes and funding.
Together with Local Trust and Power to Change, Renaisi’s CEO John Hitchin, presented the findings and recommendations of the report to the APPG for ‘left behind’ neighbourhoods by Local Trust together with Power to Change.
The full report and technical appendices will be launched later in 2021.
The Executive Summary of the Findings of Community Asset Ownership in Left Behind Neighbourhood is available to download now.

- Want to find out more?
- Contact Private: John Hitchin on:
- 020 7033 2639