Renaisi will support two flagship government initiatives to address community issues
Renaisi is delighted to be supporting two flagship government programmes that seek to give local people more opportunity to be involved in finding and delivering solutions to local issues.
Renaisi will help community partnerships understand and share their impact
Place Based Social Action (PBSA) is a joint £4.5m programme between the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund.
Speaking in the House of Commons Minister for Civil Society Mims Davies said:
“This investment in communities the length and breadth of the country will help even more people take action on the issues they care about most, including helping more volunteering, giving more money directly to local causes that people feel connected with in their community and supporting even more simple neighbourly acts, which can mean so much.”
Mims Davies, Minister for Civil Society
Over the next six years, Renaisi will support 10 Place Based Social Action partnerships made up of local people and local services, to realise their ambitions of increasing opportunities for social action within their towns, cities and neighbourhoods.
Renaisi to evaluate innovation in democracy
Renaisi has also been appointed the evaluator for the recently announced Innovation in Democracy programme. Renaisi will work local authorities across the country to pilot citizen assemblies and new ways of implementing participatory democracy, putting more power in to the hands of local people.
The concept of place in government policy
Place is a popular, but problematic, concept in public policy: the term is frequently used, but conspicuously undefined. In the report of phase 1 of the PBSA programme, we explored this problem in more depth.
Working with all of the stakeholders that can turn a place into a thriving community gives us unique insight and ability to spark change. For Renaisi ‘place’ is a lens through which we view an individual’s circumstances. Understanding the place around a person helps us to provide meaningful support and advice, which leads to benefits for individuals and their communities.
Find out more
- Want to find out more?
- Contact Alice Thornton on:
- 07570 970270