First place-based systemic change event
In this video John Hitchin presents the learning from the Funding Place-Based Systemic Change enquiry. With contributions from Natsayi Sithole of Save the Children UK and Stephen Skeet from Volunteering Matters.
The Funding Place Based Systemic Change project chaired by Save the Children UK brought charities and funders together to explore how to best manage funds to support long-term, place-based systemic change (PBSC).
As the learning partner for that work, we built a framework for thinking, acting and funding in a way that focusses on using place as the vehicle for social change with long-term, systemic change being the intended outcome.
Read the learning reports
Paper 1: definitions and learning questions
Paper 2: funder perspectives on place-based systemic change
Paper 3: case studies of places learning to change systems
Paper 4: a framework for place-based systemic change
Paper 5: advancing place-based systems change

- Want to find out more?
- Contact Private: John Hitchin on:
- 020 7033 2639